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about us

The  Greater Cleveland Slo-Pitch Softball Hall of Fame was officially opened on Saturday April 22, 2000. Euclid can be proud of its ownership of the Hall of Fame and Museum. This treasure is open to the public in Old City hall and showcases many talents from years gone by. 

“The Thrill is for the Moment…the Memories Forever!”

This is more than the slogan for the Greater Cleveland Softball Hall of Fame and Museum. It is its very soul! What started as a way for the people involved in the game of softball in Cleveland to get together and honor those who had made a lasting impression on softball, has turned into a wonderful tribute to what made Cleveland the

“Softball Capital of the World”.


 A tribute to all of those people, teams, ballparks, fans, etc who have made the game here in town so great. 

Hall of Fame Location

605 E. 222nd St. , Euclid, OH 44123 

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